Friday, August 26, 2011

location tour

Cruising around Vancouver by AIR CONDITIONED bus was a great way to start the weekend. I managed to get up in time for departure, met a few fans and enjoyed the ride to Bordertown. I actually felt like an awful fan for not knowing the significance, but once they sad Frontierland, I was good. Still, I should've known.

Having someone else take the wheel for once was such a relief; especially in Vancoucver where all the speed limits are in km...

Anyway, Bordertown was great! That's where they shot Frontierland, obviously, a few scenes from The Benders and All Hell Breaks Loose Part 1. We were allowed inside the buildings and I got pics of everything. We went into the Sheriff's office and right there was the jail cell Dean put the Phoenix in...that place where director Guy Norman Bee provided us with an amazingly hot picture of our favorite cowboy...

After spending about an hour there, we went to a location they hadn't even filmed at yet set for sometime next week for episode 7.05. In that same area, they also filmed the clinic in Croatoan and the church from 99 Problems. I felt a little better about my fangirling when I thought the buildings looked familiar from Croatoan and noticed the church before anything was said. =)

They stopped the bus at the new location and whoever wanted to take a walk to the others was free to do so. Of course, I did. Even got a pic of where Dean helped Cas outta the basement <3

From there, we passed the hazelnut plantation where they filmed Scarecrow, but they were at the front of the bus and didn't get to my section 'til we'd already pretty much passed it.

That was on our way to the s.6 finale where Dean and Bobby were outside Crowley's place. They parked the bus not too far from where the Impala was flipped and Russ pointed out exactly where that was.

He was a great tour guide, by the way.

Next stop was Bobby's junkyard, and on the way we went through an area that looked a little like the street in Sympathy for the Devil where Sam went down a flight of stairs after being told off by a demon possessed Bobby.

No sooner had I thought hat did we come upon a flight of stairs that was missing something...then passed the ones they used.

At the last minute, Russ decided to take us passed the Studio since Bobby's wasn't too far from there.

Bobby's was fun. I don't think anyone would ever be this ecstatic to tour a junkyard.

We passed by the first location they used as Bobby's house which is now a set in the studio. This was on the way to a location used in the episode Jensen directed this season.

Then is was back to hotel, but on the way we passed a few other locations they'd used, one was used about two weeks ago, that one where they lit up an entire block. I recognized the lights and the street felt right.

I didn't get pics due to the traffic, but I'll find the on set ones and post those instead.

I couldn't have been happier to get back to the hotel. It had been a long day, I hadn't slept much the and I was exhausted. It was an amazing experience, though and I'm so glad I did it. <3


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