Thursday, September 22, 2011

the novel

Upon my return from Vancouver, I boasted openly about my adventures to anyone willing to listen or those just within earshot. On one such occasion, I was offered an offhand comment suggesting I should write a book. All I intended to do was blog about my trip. I've uploaded pictures to facebook and tried to find the right time to start writing, but it hasn't felt right. I've made a few attempts, once on the road where I left out many details due to exhaustion and once since I've been back which only got so far as day two.

I haven't written anything in over two years and I'd been slowly losing my ability long before that. If I had only written down the original paragraph I had to dumb down for Spanish to actually write the damn thing...I can't recall the words, or even the topic, but I remember it would've been beautifully written in English. Spanish; not so much. And during this conversion, I lost the ability I'd perfected over the years...and never once tried to get it back.

For school papers, I'd attempt a well-written essay but the structure wouldn't be right and I'd get frustrated with myself and instead take a solid foundation and ramble on in what I hoped was the point and be done with it. Apparently it worked, because no matter how awful I thought it was, all my English teachers approved so I didn't bother to fix it. This way was a lot less time-consuming and seemed to work well. Just because it worked, didn't mean it was working. The only paper I've actually been proud of was one a wrote my first year in college...and I really haven't written anything since.

That was three years ago. I think that's long enough.

Sooo...I'll choose pics for my scrapbook, document the events of each day as well as I can remember them and fit that in to a story with plot and fake names...

Friday, September 9, 2011


It's been almost a week now and I haven't uploaded any photos or posted anything about the trip. Well, that's because I've been sleeping almost 12hrs a day and dealing with that speeding ticket, a negative balance on my bank account and finding no hours scheduled for me at work.

Tuesday I wrote a check to Washington and sent it out from the post office, added $100 to my back account from my parents and stopped by work to see if Kim was in (she wasn't, so I just wrote on the calendar that I was back)

Thursday I unpacked the car, added another $200 to my account and discovered I had no hours at work for the next week. I now have hours that other people didn't want. I can't afford to be picky right now, especially when I owe my parents $340 right now and kinda wanna go to VanCon next year...

Speaking of the future, here are some of my new goals:
finish Massasoit
go to Africa
go away to college

I'd get into it moe, but I have to work in a few hours and really don't have the time right now.
