Friday, September 9, 2011


It's been almost a week now and I haven't uploaded any photos or posted anything about the trip. Well, that's because I've been sleeping almost 12hrs a day and dealing with that speeding ticket, a negative balance on my bank account and finding no hours scheduled for me at work.

Tuesday I wrote a check to Washington and sent it out from the post office, added $100 to my back account from my parents and stopped by work to see if Kim was in (she wasn't, so I just wrote on the calendar that I was back)

Thursday I unpacked the car, added another $200 to my account and discovered I had no hours at work for the next week. I now have hours that other people didn't want. I can't afford to be picky right now, especially when I owe my parents $340 right now and kinda wanna go to VanCon next year...

Speaking of the future, here are some of my new goals:
finish Massasoit
go to Africa
go away to college

I'd get into it moe, but I have to work in a few hours and really don't have the time right now.



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