Sunday, August 28, 2011

what issues!?

Apparently all it takes for me to do something completely against my nature is to get my favorite men in a room and pout me between close as they could get.

OMG IT WAS AMAZING! It only lasted a few seconds but SERIOUSLY: best few seconds of my life!

Misha was gorgeous and Jensen been hot all day...put them together and it's my own personal Heaven. Put myself between them and its ecstasy.

I was planning on just having a regular photo-op with me between them, my arms around them and one of theirs around me, but people in front of me were hugging Jensen with Misha at their back. I'd thought about it with Misha and Seb...honestly hadn't crossed my mind with Jared and Jensen, but with THEM!

No other option. I had to be done.

Jensen's shirt was VERY silky...on my cheek. Misha put a hand on my shoulder and I'm pretty sure his leg was tight against mine...I know I felt pressure back there and as dirty as my mind gets, I'm sticking to leg; unless nip/tuck held more truth than we know...

Holding Jensen and Misha holding ultimate Dean/Cas fantasy right there...and it happened...instinctually. Honestly, I don't know what came over me, but I knew what I wanted and went for it. Thinking on it, that is exactly how I'd always imagined it. Never, EVER going to forget this moment! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3


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